Retirement planning isn’t exactly the most exciting topic. Until you realize you can actually get free money for investing in your future. Robinhood is flipping the script on IRAs with an offer that’s hard to ignore. Earn 3% extra on annual contributions when you subscribe to Robinhood Gold, plus an uncapped 2% boost on transfers and rollovers until April 30.
Why Settle for Ordinary When You Can Boost Your IRA?
You work hard for your money, so why not make it work harder for you? With Robinhood’s IRA, every contribution gets an instant 3% boost when you’re a Robinhood Gold subscriber. And if you’re rolling over funds from another retirement account, you’ll get a 2% boost. No cap, no gimmicks, just extra cash added to your investments.
If you’re serious about maxing out your IRA for 2025, there’s another sweet deal: contribute the full amount by April 15, 2025, and you could snag an extra $420 in matching funds.
The Robinhood IRA Advantage
This isn’t just another IRA. Robinhood is …